Our Completed Initiatives

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August 2019

Dry Fire Hydrants

The distance to a dry fire hydrant may help reduce your fire insurance rates. The NFLAA collaborated with the Township’s Fire Chief to educate its members on the benefits of this initiative.

Septic Savvy Seminar

On June 8, 2019 the NFLAA and North Frontenac Township co-hosted a Septic Savvy Seminar in Plevna with over 50 participants attending. Panelists included the Mayor of NF, Executive Director of FOCA, a rep from the MVCA and the Septic Inspector , Mississippi Rideau Septic System Office

A Working Cttee was set up to look at the pros/cons of a mandatory septic re-inspection program.

Seminar Information Op-Ed from President, NFLAA & Mayor

Seminar Agenda
