Our Current Initiatives
NFLAA Strategic Plan 2023-2026
The NFLAA has developed a working document that outlines its Key Strategic Issues along with recommended action plans and timelines for the next three years.
Top three priorities include:
Septic Re-inspection Program
Short-term Rentals
Shoreline health, invasive species
Comments and feedback welcome at info@nflaa.ca .
Short-term Rentals
The NFLAA is concerned about problematic short-term rental units that are disruptive to residents and where renters exhibit aggressive, loud and sometimes dangerous behaviour.
A survey of our lakes was taken in summer and fall of 2021 and a report prepared by the NFLAA and was presented to the North Frontenac Municipality in September 2021. The Townships of Central Frontenac and Addington Highlands also received a copy.
Following a meeting on Oct 27, with representatives of the NLFAA, the NF Township and Addington-Highlands, it was agreed that a joint Working Committee would be established to further assess the STR issues and work on ways to address them.
If you wish to report a problem, go to the Township’s website and complete a Confidential Complaint Form.
NF Confidential Complaint Policy
NF Confidential Complaint Form
General Information:
Short Term Rentals - City of Kawartha Lakes July 2024
Improving Internet and Cell Coverage.
The NFLAA is in support of the Gigabit proposal put forward by the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) for vastly improved internet service in the Eastern Ontario regions. Letters of support were sent to the Ministers of Infrastructure and Rural and Economic Development as well as to the MP and MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston.
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
Public Advisory Cttee for the Development of its Watershed Plan
The PAC consists of 15 members representing numerous interests including Towns, hydro producers, forestry, real estate, development, seasonal residents, ratepayers, agriculture, ground water supply, drinking water, etc. A representative of the NFLAA sits on the PAC which is working on developing an updated Watershed Plan which will serve as a long term guide for the MVCA’s activities in the future.
NFLAA will continue to share information as needed.
Lake Carrying Capacity
Township / County Working Group
The Township’s Official Plan ( Sections 4.10.5 and 40) sets out the intention of the Township to develop classification and other systems to protect the character and qualities of individual lakes. This will involve, among other aspects, developing a system to determine appropriate lake carrying capacity including factors such as population, phosphorus levels, etc.
The NFLAA has asked to be included in the Working Group at both the County and Township level and has received positive interest.
It was recommended to approach the various Lake stewards and to seek out other expertise that may exist within the membership of lake associations
Whiteduck Provincial Park
The Ontario government is proposing regulatory amendments to change the boundaries for two provincial parks and a conservation reserve.
Specific to our area, the government has plans to rescind a boundary for the Crotch Lake Conservation Reserve and establish a boundary to create Whiteduck Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) which will also affect Big Gull Lake East End. Concerns have been raised over the lack of public consultation.
FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations representing the people who live at the waterfront in Ontario, whether seasonally or year-round. Its members are lake and road associations of all sizes. FOCA is ta not-for-profit organization representing volunteer associations and individual property owners all across Ontario. They are your provincial voice.
The President of the NFLAA also sits on the Board of FOCA. Notes from the FOCA Fall Seminar on November 16, 2019.
Notes from the FOCA AGM in March 7, 2019.