
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA)

2023 Integrated Monitoring Report

For more Stewardship program information please see our website:

A representative of the NFLAA sits on the Public Advisory Cttee (PAC) tasked with developing an updated Watershed Plan which will serve as a long term guide for the MVCA’s activities in the future. The Plan was approved by their Board of Directors in 2021.


Data and Demographics in NF Township

NFLAA Waterfront Property Stats - Displays the property demographics organized by lake within the NFLAA.

North Frontenac Population and Tax Assessment Data - Assessment Comparison is provided to Council annually. There are 5325 properties in the TWP of which 3377 residential properties.

North Frontenac Property Data 2020 - Breakdown of waterfront and seasonal properties.

Clippings of the K & P Railroad Kick and Push –Buchanan Scrapbooks | lindaseccaspina ( History of the K&P Railroad which had the first train into Snow Road in 1883.

Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Management Plan

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Stage Four of the public consultation process invites you to review and comment on the draft Forest Management Plan (FMP).

Draft FMP Map of Operations - Scroll down to Published Files, Draft FMP, select FMP Map to see maps of the areas of planned harvest in the 2021-2031 period. The Index map can help you find the operations maps that show planned operations near your lake.

Dry Fire Hydrants

The distance to a dry fire hydrant may help reduce your fire insurance rates. The NFLAA collaborated with the Township’s Fire Chief to educate its members on the benefits of this initiative.

North Frontenac Township

North Frontenac Township Website - Learn about the Township’s community, services, news and events.

Township Official Plan 2017 - Contain goals, objectives and policies established primarily to manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the Municipality.

NF Council Contact Information - See list of Councillors for Wards 1, 2 and 3

North Frontenac News - Weekly paper

Septic Systems

The Township offers free septic system inspections through their Sewage System Re-Inspection Program.

List of regional / local septic pump-out companies.

Perth and District Septic Service 613-267-3350

Storring Septic Service, Tamworth 613-379-2192

TSP Plumbing , Perth 613 -812-0219

Joe Mumby and Sons, Tweed 613-478-3333


Looking for more information on septic systems? Here is a list of helpful links:

MVCA Septic Office

NFLAA Press Release March 22, 2021

NFLAA Septic Re-inspection Program Report May 15 2020

NFLAA Presentation to Council Sept 10 2020

OP ED by NFLAA Pres and NF Mayor June 2019

Septic Savvy Seminar June 8 2019 - Program

Septic Savvy Seminar PPT June 8 2019